Friday, September 15, 2006

Work, Tuna Sandwiches, and A New Find.


I. Work

I clocked out and looked at my time card. 10:15 was the last number stamped on the 'Total Time' column. Ten hours and 15 minutes for a whole week... I was surprised. I wasn't really following how much time I was accumalating throughout the week. I knew I wasn't working very much, but 10 hours is shocking. My goal was to work between 16-20 hours a week once school had started.

I guess this could be attributed to several things. First would be the ammount of school work and studying I had to do this week; Two tests, a paper, and an outline for a speech. Second would be the tiredness that came with all that. Being tired at work is never a good thing, especially since the office I work in always feels hot. Third would probably be that I'm just not finding the job interesting anymore.

Is this a personal flaw that is really making itself apparent? When I do something for a while, I start to lose interest? I used to be really involved with my instrumental practices. I learned piano when I was 5, alto saxophone when I was 11, electric bass when I was 14, and guitar when I was 17. I hardly pick up any of those instruments today. I did cross country my first 3 years of high school, but not my senior year. I worked at Anchor Blue for almost a year, but my attitude towards customer service started to fade after a couple months. I could think of plenty more relevant examples.

It seems shameful to me to think that I typically tend to give up on things after doing it for a while. Where is my sense of commitment? Is this something that I'll always struggle with? Probably.

II. Tuna Sandwiches

I'm getting sick of them. Loaded with protein. Repitious consumption brings bad taste to the mouth.

Oh well. It's food.

III. A New Find

I was looking through the winners of the 2006 Bloggie Awards and found a very interesting and poignant blog about a waiter at a Bistro. His blog is not just a narrative on the different happenings and interactions with people in the restaurant, but rather a true-to-life analysis of human nature and the world in which we live in.

Check it out at


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