Tuesday, May 23, 2006

*sigh*... Much to work on.

Okay... so work was a little discouraging tonight, to be honest. First of all, it was an evening shift, which I'm not fond of in the first place. I'd rather work mornings.

Anyway, the mall closes at 9p. At that time, we wait for the customers to leave while not letting any other ones enter the store. Then we recover the store, folding t-shirts, fingerspacing, emptying trash, counting registers, etc. etc.

This is where the discouraging part comes in. I have never been very good at closing. Maria, our store manager, has even told me that it's something I need to work on. Tonight when Veronica, another manager, finished counting the registers in the office, she comes out looks around and notices the things I missed/overlooked doing the closing. She asks me the question, "So.. Cy. Do you think you're ready to be a manager? Like, how do you feel about it?"... The question threw me off. I felt like she felt that I wasn't ready. It kinda made me sad for the rest of the night. She didn't say it all condescending or anything. It was just the question itself that made me realize all the more that I do have a lot to work on before I can take on the responsibility of being a manager.

Anyway, looking on the bright side, it's more to learn and grow through.


Funny quotes of the night:

Two women enter the store towards the end of the night. They look to be in their late 40s. One is latino; the other caucasian. While they were finishing up with their shopping, they stopped at one of the tables with our girls' screen tees. The second lady holds up a shirt that says "Latina" on it.

First lady: "I really really like that shirt. Do they have any larger sizes?"
Second lady: "This is an extra large."
First lady: "Oh come on."
Second lady to me: "I've been trying to tell her, these kind of clothes are for skinny b*tches!"

I laugh.

First lady: "See that's not right. You can't be racist against big-boobed or fat women!"

I about lost it right there.


Another quote:

Lady with her kids are shopping around. Also in her late 40s. I'm ringing her up at the cash register.

Me: It's pretty hot in here.
Veronica: Yeah I turned up the heat. I was cold.
Lady: I know! I'm all sweating here.
Veronica: Oh! I'm sorry, I'll turn it down.
Lady: *laughs* I thought it was my menopause coming on!
Me: HA! HA!... Alrighty, have a great night.
Lady: You too.


A so-so night.

1 reactions. Post a Comment:

Justin Gott said...

You got it made in the shade over there bud - - they like you. Just keep pluggin along. It'll happen eventually for ya.

Watching the "Tiger" Sweet 16 episode. Funny stuff.

Later bro,
