Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's late.


I. Dieting

Dieting sucks. It doesn't matter if it's a diet to lose weight or a diet to gain weight. Dieting sucks. Period. Any change in normal eating habits is difficult.

For me, I pretty much have to eat everything I come into contact with throughout the course of the day. Not really, but it almost feels like it. It's tougher than it sounds too, because if I miss a meal, I'm friggin STARVING.

Meals are becoming bland too. I need to figure out a way to get more variety in, but still get the same nutrition... All in time, I suppose.

Thank God for the invention of the Protein Shake. I just had strawberry one and I'm ready to crash and sleep.

Though Dieting sucks, I know it's going to get me to where I've placed my goals...

II. Poker

The reason I'm blogging so late is because I just got back from my friend Justin L's House. Not Justin, but a different Justin. Actually, Justin was there too... but it wasn't his house... you get the idea.

They invited me over for a fun night of poker... or in my case, a night of losing $20... or to clarify, a night of me owing someone $20. 2 games. $10 down the drain each go.

Anyways... I've been away from poker for so long, that I'm pretty bad at it now. I can't read anyone. Even if they had a huge LCD device strapped to their forehead that scrolled the words "I'm bluffing" or "I've got The Nuts", I still wouldn't be able to read 'em.

Eh, I better get in practice before our Vegas trip in 2008... LOL... 2008. That's pretty far away.

III. Manny

Manny is the soon-to-be brother-in-law of Justin L... and man... he's hillarious. He swears like a sailor, but he's quite the comedian.

Back in January of 2003 (I think), I had just returned from a trip to the Philippines and Justin L had decided to get me tickets to a Linkin Park concert in Long Beach for my birthday. Those attending the concert were Me, Justin, His sister Jen, and her boyfriend Manny.

All I remember of the drive down and back to Long Beach was how funny Manny was. For some reason I just remember him talking a lot about Pirates and their sexual orientation... Good times.

Anyway, Manny and Jen are getting married in November and that's rad.

Props for Manny.

EDIT: This is relevant because he was playing poker with us tonight. I thought I'd give him a mention.

IV. Sleep

So in order to really maximize the effectiveness of working out and eating the way I am is to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night... Yeah. I haven't been doing that. In fact, I'm sacrificing sleep at this very moment to deliver a blog for your viewing pleasure (haha, Justin... bio lab).

EDIT: Do a search on Google for "8 hours of sleep" and the majority of the results are to articles linking 8+ hours of sleep to a shorter life span... So maybe I'll just settle for 6-7.


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