Coldplay tells my life story.
1. Choose a band / artist: Coldplay
Now answer all the questions using only that band's song titles.
2. Are you male or female: X&Y
3. Describe yourself: Yellow
4. How do some people feel about you: Trouble
5. How do you feel about yourself: We Never Change
6. Describe your last relationship: What If?
7. Describe current relationship: Talk
8. Describe future relationship: Sparks
9. Describe where you want to be: In My Place
10. Describe how you live: Speed Of Sound
11. Describe how you love: Fix You
12. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
13. Share a few words of Wisdom: Everything's Not Lost
14. How do you feel at this moment?: Swallowed In The Sea
15. Whats Your Favorite Time of Year?: Shiver
16. Where Do you Live?: Hardest Part
17. Describe your Friends: A Rush Of Blood To The Head
18. What do you hope to become?: A Message
19. Now Say Goodbye: Don't Panic
1 reactions. Post a Comment:
Oh my gosh, this is rad. Very, very rad.
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