Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Cy Responds to Your Comments!

I feel this is needed and fun (as well as needed fun). Maybe i'll do this once a week...


Abe said...

"What! They didn't invite you to the reception! You're the coolest kid there! Well they missed out. Hmm double date huh? Sounds like they are trying to set you up already. Unless you want to be setup - beware! YEAH for Jeepneys!"

Jeepneys be the ish fo sho. lol as for the reception i kinda didn't want to stay anyway... haha. I'm not exactly sure if I want to be set up either. Man. craziness


Tom said...

"Can I be your children's god-father?"

I would say yes, but I'm not catholic. You know that, Tom.


Mom said...

"Since the flu bug and the pertussis bug came upon [the Slater-Lunsford family], they are being quaratined for this season. But the after Thanksgiving day SALE will go on and that you will surely miss. I will let you know what's up and give you a chance to shop away from home. How's that for an advance x-mas / b-day present rolled into one?... You make me smile as I read thru [your blog]...reminds me of my college days."

It wasn't the bird flu was it? I think it's awesome I'm getting my presents in advanced. That rocks. I'm glad I can make you smile from thousands of miles away, mom.


Justin said...

"You, Cy Serrano, have the BEST tone I have ever heard! Dang it's rough around here without ya - Can't wait to see FD3 with ya when you get back."

That history-making comment from Jamie Baker will never leave me. You better wait off before seeing FD3, bud.


Justin said...

"Somehow I figure that we're gonna end up renting MISSING IN ACTION when you get back."

Oh most definitely. It's a trilogy, so we'll be sure to watch all three.


Justin also said...

"Me and Heather went out with Chary and Nate Dogg - No joke!"

I saw that stirring.


Tom said...

"Gahhh! My arm is twitching and won't stop! I'm serious, man this is sooo annoying."

I suggest the next time it happens, you use an axe. Take care of that problem permanently.


Tom also said...

"I will never take my dogs to visit The Homeland (that's how I'm going to refer to the Phillipines from now on)."

Dude, cmon. Dude and Prince would totally love it here. Let it also be known that the Philippines will now also be referred to as The Homeland.


Abe said...

""(for mom: I didn't sleep in class though. I just laid my head down.)" . . . right."

Man! I'm so serious! I didn't sleep! I'm doing really good. For real.


Alex said...

"And about Harry Potter, you should really read those books if you get the chance. They're really good!"

Um... I'm not so sure yet.


Mom said...

"Be good at your classes Cy. You're not in high school anymore. Not a very good example to the rest of the class. Should I say more???"

Seriously! I'm fine. In all honesty, the class isn't really paying much attention to me anyway. And it was only in that Algebra class. I wasn't feeling great.


Cory said...

"Although you never told me you have a different AOL name. I see how I rank. :~)

You might be tired but just think back to how much sleep you get at WLC and you will perk right up."

This is cake compared to WLC... which i'm super pumped about for 2006. Also you have my first AIM screen name (Liryc4ever)... believe it or not, I filled up the capacity for the buddy list and had to get another screen name. So... it means that I've known you longer. You should consider yourself ranked high. :)


Well, that's all for now kids! Today was fairly uneventful. School is becoming routine, which I'm actually welcoming with open arms.

Peace out for now,

2 reactions. Post a Comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...commenting on the "comment reply" section. Is that a paradox?

Cy said...

I'll answer that next week.