Wednesday, May 17, 2006

But I'm Le Tired!

...okay. Well have a nap. THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!

Just a quote from a funny flash animation called 'The End of the World'.

Yeah, so work today was pretty interesting. I was originally scheduled to come in at 9:30am, but they called me yesterday asking me to come in at 8am instead. Tom and Ruth, the Regional and District Managers (respectively), were to come in today to do a little check-up on our store. So, they asked me to come in so we could get the store all clean and ready. This involved sweeping, scrubbing, and mopping the store. Tiring work.

When they came in around noon-ish, they looked around a bit and made some nice comments. They left about an hour and a half later. I asked Maria, my manager, if they had said anything good, and she sighed, rolled her eyes and said, "They told me we're 'turning the ship around'". Apparently our store is considered an "Opportunity Store", which means is a nice way of saying that our sales suck and we need to get better.

Last year, the entire company had an increase of around 10% in sales from the previous year. Our store only had an increase of 4%. We were one of the two stores with the lowest gains, so we were picked to be an "Opportunity Store". Maria has to call headquarters every other week or so to update them on everything we're doing. Sounds like the suck.

So I got off work at 2pm and headed home. When I get there, my dad stops me before I head upstairs and tells me he needs my help with something. Not surprising to me though, as he asks me for something almost every other day. But this request is a bit harder than the ones before it. I guess he wants to buy clothing that's on sale here, send it to the Philippines and retail it at a higher cost. I don't know if that's illegal or not, I'm not going to say anything.

Anyway, he wants me to find out how Anchor Blue does their operations. Like the POS (Point-of-Sale) systems that we use, software, how we track inventory, blah, blah, blah. This is honestly something that I am not at all interested in. I have no clue where to start. I've already googled "POS Systems", but all I get are results that I have no clue what in the heck they're talking about. And I'm not about to go to my boss and ask her, "So my dad bought a bunch of stuff on clearance here and wants to sell it overseas for full price. What's the best way to go about doing that?"... You can see the problems with that.

*sigh*... I don't know what to do. My dad is wrapping his head around way to much at once. He's reading real estate books, wheatgrass books, practices piano all day, and is listening to CDs about making money. He owns two houses in the Philippines that he's trying to sell and he's looking for property here in the States. I told him, "You're just doing way too much, dad." He tells me that teaching piano just isn't cutting it and that he has to make the money. He's 50 and only has '5 more years to do it'. I just want the guy to retire already.

A part of me wants to be selfish and not help him at all, but what can I do. He's my dad. He's taken on so many ambitious projects, all of which have never worked. I guess it doesn't help any that mom has a great job and position where she's making a lot of money.

Anyway, that's a lot of honesty for right now. I'm thirsty and dying for a drink. So with that, I leave you. I'll probably post again later tonight.


1 reactions. Post a Comment:

Anonymous said...

Your a good kid!
