Monday, February 06, 2006

It's Easier.

To not give your all. To be weak. To not live up to your full potential. To be lazy. To be selfish. To be distanced. To be isolated. To loathe in self-pity. To sleep all day. To not pour out your heart. To lie. To cheat. To steal. To forget. To remember. To hold a grudge. To let go.

To make life harder is to make it easier.

Doesn't that make sense? It seems that if we always take the easy route through things, life actually becomes harder. Though, not always in an external way visible to others on the outside, but rather on the inside; a battle within our consciousness and spirit for what is and what isn't; what should and what shouldn't.

To make life easier is to make it harder.

It's odd how life can be so difficult and yet so simple. Though for others, maybe it's not so simple... maybe the choices aren't so clear. But maybe they are. Maybe we choose not to see things as simple as they are. Maybe we choose to make things difficult.

Iunderstand that I am speaking in obscurities, but it makes perfect sense to me.

I tend to get the best of myself.

3 reactions. Post a Comment:

Anonymous said...

Oddly ehough, I understand you perfectly. Hang in there buddy...60 years or less and you won't have to worry about that. That's cause you'll be dead. If not, you'll be stinkin old...later 19...guy?

Anonymous said...

Confucius says..."Pretty deep Cy, pretty deep"

Justin Gott said...

Hey bud . . .

Honestly, I don't understand what you just said.


So our movie came out on Friday and thus far I have resisted the temptation to see it. I will live up to my word! I gotta wait for ya man - it wouldn't be FD without Cyril around.

Hope all is well - and hope to talk to ya soon

Miss ya bud,