Can You Hear Me?
Hey so I'm sitting in a different internet cafe. Though it's not really a cafe. There's no coffee or anything. Just maybe 25 other computers occupied by teenagers playing Warcraft III and other cool games like that. I feel at home. Heh.
It's noisy. That's one thing about the Philippines. It's a noisy place. No Smog checks or anything like that either. Right now I hear a bunch of people yelling. Loud music blaring from somewhere. and some really loud spray thing.... like one of those high powered water blaster things. In the morning at home, I wake up to people pounding metal into shape for a thing they're putting on top of the wall. Like a security thing. Long sharp poles. You get the idea. At night while trying to fall asleep, Every minute or so, I hear motor vehicles pass the house. They are LOUD.
The only time it's ever really quiet is... well... never. I'm looking forward to my trip to the countryside. My mom's hometown is more rural, so less noise, more peace. /sigh
And this internet cafe is in a mall. NCCC Mall Davao to be specific. There's maybe 6 malls here. A lot different from the Antelope Valley where we have 1. Each mall pretty much has the same stuff. A grocery store, retail outlets, two food courts, internet cafes, etc. And... they're noisy.
Again... I miss everyone. Pretty homesick and all. Hope everyone's doing well. I'm really trying hard to put up a blog every chance I get.
PS: LOST has been INSANE.