Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm so pumped...

...because I have internet at the house now! This means that I can talk on AIM more... I can consistently post blogs, and I can start taking more pictures and get back to that hobby.

Man! I'm excited!

I also learned that I can upload videos taken with my camera phone... I think they're viewable with quicktime... so I'll have to try that out soon too.

Hope everyone is doing well!

2 reactions. Post a Comment:

Anonymous said...

That means lots of late late nights to disciplined now. I'm sure you are truly grateful. I still need to learn how to get into AIM.
Am home sick for 2 days now. Feeling better actually today but decided to stay home. Will check work this pm.

Anonymous said...

so much for listening to your mom...Remember, the internet is not a cure for professors are.