Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Weekend Wrap-Up [8.7.05]

Alrighty folks. Hope everyone's doing great.

Church today...
I'm a church-going person, love God, do my best to follow the Bible... If you didn't know that about me. Anyway, our minister Bob Harpole has been out of town the last two weeks helping out some churches over in the Baltic and Nordic countries. The Baltics consist of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania and the Nordics consist of Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Finland.

So because Bob's been out of town, We've been getting some guest speakers in the two weeks. Today, Marty Fuqua, a lead evangelist of a church out in Pasadena came up to deliver the sermon. Marty's a great guy. I've heard him speak before so I was excited to hear what he had to say.

Marty's sermon was titled "How Do You View Your Life?" Good title, great points. There are two ways people look at life: in optimism or pessimism. The glass is either half empty or half full. So the gist of what Marty said was that many of us look at our spiritual lives with a pessimistic view. Many of us are shortsighted in seeing that God can work out anything and everything.

He also related his topic to faith. Using the story of Joshua and the Israelites venturing into the promised land, Marty spoke about how Joshua was brave and had faith in God that the land could be conquered. The other spies that were sent out disagreed. They said they "looked like grashoppers" in their own eyes and that the people of the land viewed them the same way. Now how they knew that the people viewed them that way is a mystery. Most of the time we're focused on ourselves and what people think of us, which is funny because people aren't really thinking about you in that way. They're too busy thinking about what other people think of them. lol.

So anyway, the basic point of it is that life is much better lived when viewed from an optimistic or faithful standpoint. Two people can have similar lives, one could look at it his life and say he has it made, while the other can look at his life and only see how much it sucks.

So as you go through this week, try to see things from a lighter point of view. See the good in everything. All things happen for a reason. Whatever doesn't kill you, helps you. Learn a lesson in every situation.

The Week in Recap
Since last Sunday I have...

1. Gotten Sick (-10 points. It's a lot because I am still sick.)
2. Finished Re-Doing/Painting My Room (+20 points. It's been the same the last 3 years. Change is good)
3. Talked with many HOBY people that I miss (+20 points. Keep that up...)
4. Gotten in a big argument with someone close to me (-10 points. I hate conflict.)
5. Gone to Hollywood with my family to hang (+20 points. Cheesecake Factory. Mmm)
6. Stayed in the house too much (-15 points. I need to get out)

Total Points = 25
My Rating = Catastrophic // Terrible // Lousy // OK // Good // Tight // Bangin'

I gave my week a "Good" rating because nothing incredible really happened and this sickness is really getting me down. But two trips to Hollywood is definitely a plus.

Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have anything new... :(


Tomorrow: The Los Angeles Metro System vs. The Washington, D.C. Metro System; College Anticipations; and a new kind of food I like.

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